Together is always better

Chatting to Lindsey, it’s apparent how she loves where she lives and is passionate for neighbourly connections and mutual support. 

She moved into the little known area of Gloucester called Cathedral City, some years ago and straight off realised that this little community in the shadow of Barnwood had potential but just needed encouragement.  

Lindsey with the food ready for the parcels… Safety over fashion wins!

Lindsey started to connect with neighbours and soon was able to persuade local counsellors to help support/provide some basic football goals for the green space to make it more appealing.  This gave a Lindsey a taste for community improvements/ development and getting on with making it happen and not needing always to ask from outside support.

Lindsey stated, “I think people in this area want things to happen but don’t know how to start the ball rolling. It’s possible but communication is key !”

Over recent years, the area has seen local fun days, connections with more families as people move into the area and even a brilliant online Facebook group where people can further the connections and ideas to make Cathedral City a place in its own right. 

Over the Covid season, Lindsey and other local volunteers have put on fun events, food parcel deliveries, cooking classes for families and even a Easter egg competition.  No one told her to do this or she had read a manual on community cohesion??,  she simply started with asking others to join her in being proud of where they lived and the rest followed.

“The help, support and involvement from people in the area has proved that we can come together not just through hard times but as a community all the time “ shared Lindsey.

Showing Kindness and care is so key to what we have seen in Gloucester over recent months and this example from Lindsey shows that everyone has a part to play… 

All you need to do it look for opportunities and ask if others want to come on the exciting journey of supporting each other, bringing hope to situations that might need it and seeing communities grow up in confidence to share passions, skills and lives together…

Lindsey and the Cathedral City community are certainly taking a lead in this…. 

Who would of thought it all those years ago, so never discount who and where you live. Lindsey didn’t!!


We are here for you


The Close that got closer